Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 3.4:The Meatrix

In this short clip called “The Meatrix” illustrates how covetous agriculture corporations are using family farms to boost their revenue by hurting animals. Animals become harmed in cramped places causing fights and infections to spread easily. The corporations also overdose the animals with antibiotics. The antibiotics are to keep them alive. Pollution is another major issue because the air and water are filled with the manure which can cause a sickness. Communities of people are highly affected by the air in that area.

In the “The Meatrix: Revolting,” states that people can stop the corporations of harming animals by making healthier choices or even going to a small family farm to get their dairy necessities. For the past two years people have made more improved selections to help close down these fast food Industry. Corporations inject cows with artificial growth hormones. Also, calves that are separated from their mother at birth are fed dead cows blood basically something to replace the milk. This can cause mad cow disease.

In the “Meatrix II ½,” states how speed is the key to the profit the Industries make to the fast food nation. The meat packing Industry is one of the most dangerous jobs. Workers have injured themselves by the speed which increases the profit for the business. The Company can process about 5,000 cows in a day. The manure of the cow’s leaks down to the cut processed meat which causes E-Coli.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cat # 3

Technology has expanded throughout the past years. As it becomes more developed with more high tech inventions, people become emotionally involved to each type of technology. I believe technology has changed society in several ways by harming videos, and upset my own friend’s life too.
In the article, “The Net Is The Real World,” by Jake Simms and Larry Magid states that technology can have an effect on people in diverse ways. For example he says One of Rutgers students had placed a webcam in his room when one of their friends asked if it was okay if he used it for the night. Sooner or later clementi found out that they had sent out a video of him in the room with another man. He had sent out a farewell message on facebook leading him to jumping off the George Washington Bridge. Technology was involved with the act for this young man’s death. According to the author, people say or do things in cyberspace that they would not say or do in a face to face conversation. Bullies in school can see their victim suffer but online buddies do not know how much they are tormented.
People expose themselves either by accident or by wanting to do it for the fun of it. Most teenagers now a day’s sent out naked pictures to guys or girls. This is a very disturbing situation. By having these high tech programs to do these possessions, can cause guys to send it out to the world. Also, girls have no respect for themselves by sending out a picture to a guy that they know little about. Some celebrities also made their fame through sex tapes like for example Kim Kardashian. This affects teenagers to wanting to do them same thing to make them become famous and make them rich.
One of my friends from high school was caught in a situation just like Clementis. She meets this guy who she thought was very nice and cool. One day when she went over his house he was videotaping her as she was getting dressed. He sent it to out to most of his friends to see. As she had no idea about it one of the girls from school had comforted her and said that there’s a sex video going around school. All she did was burst out in tears. Later teachers found out and the guy never got into trouble which was unfair for her, although, he explained to everybody that it wasn’t a sex video she had her clothes on underneath a blanket. I still wish I could say something for my friend or for any girl who is in a situation like that.
Furthermore, technology can be positive or a negative thing but as we get to see more dangerous situations like these we start to question it. Why do people use technology in negative ways do we have to but a band to technology or set rules?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2

Technology is like an addiction. It can be compared to a man addicted to cigarettes, one you start you cannot stop. This can be a very effective aspect to our society. In some cases technology can be also very helpful in case of emergencies or just the case of looking up something in the internet for a project. I believe technology can be very bad because teenagers are most targeted to electronics, therefore, this is our reality and it separates us from the real world, but also personal electronic devices can have its benefits.
“The Cyborg Advantage” by Clive Thompson is an article that illustrates how technology is taking most humans attention. The author states “Each new technology will extend our reach while threatening to swallow even more of attention”. By opening all these activities: Facebook, MySpace, Aim, online games, etc, has created less time for other activities such as; sports, spending time with your family, maybe even just taking a walk. It’s exactly like what the author says we are depending on the assistance from the computer to think and socialize.
Teenagers are most affected by technology. There mind has been taken over the social networks. Interacting online through these websites is their activity. Instead of playing a sport or going out, they are wasting their at home on the computer. It can also be a very dangerous obsession. For example, one young man thought he was talking to a girl on Facebook. A couple days later he told her to come to his house so they can meet. At the end it was two guys who shot him at his door. From using these websites you don’t know who you are talking too and if they see who they say they are is even true?
We all relay on technology. This is our reality. We cannot see anything past our high tech phones, television and computers. As we depend on these devices we start to become addicted to them. As I said before it’s like a smoker. Once they start and get use to the cigarette they crave it more and more which relates to how we are addicted to technology. There is nothing pass the importance of being able to contact our friends, check our email, watch the new television show that is going to premiere tonight. Technology has taken over humans day by day without us noticing.
Overall, Technology is a major issue. If we were able to stop being so depended on technology I think we should take action and stop now. Even though, it may be hard but just think if we use up to much energy one day we will be without any use of electronics what will happen then?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog 3.1

"Personal Electronic Devices"

* Cell Phones are a big distraction.
* Always want to check who text you and check for the time.
* In most cases, Cell phones can help in emergencies.

* Computers are very dangerous but also can be very useful.
* Many of us like to search the web find out interesting things about a topic.
* Most like to go on the web for social networks like Facebook, aim, myspace, etc.
* Sometimes social networks can cause death or someone hurt.
* For example, one girl meet with a guy on Facebook and ended up dead the next day.

* Televisions can cause a bond with family.
* But can cause a distraction for homework.
* Leading your children with failing grades because of to much T.V.
* Too much T.V can cause visual damages.

Brave New World: Artifact 3

Brave New World: Artifact 3: "Artificially-created smell and taste--welcome to the 21st Century. From the book Fast Food Nation: Open your refrigerator, your freezer, you..."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Artifact 3

Celebrities have now lived the idea of the "prefect body". What does this me? Most celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, etc. have that ideal body that everyone else would die for and the body's that most men are attract to. Basically with their fame and money creates the power of surgery. For example Nicki Minaj one of the most listened to female hip hop artists has the ideal "perfect body". Well as you can see in her before picture nobody really knew her, and her body was I guess you could say normal. Once her money started to come she started getting plastic surgery, breasts, but implants, the whole nine yards. This made her the name barbie.

Plastic Surgery affects many people to believe that is the only way to have the perfect body is it was not god given to you. But this also means you are fake, nothing on you is real. All of us yes would love to have those wonderful curves some are lucky some are not. Even though, there are other ways you can stay fit and do other attempts to get that body. Having lots of money also effects us knowing whats their own made up reality. Which to them is right.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Artifact 2

Click this link !!!!

For many years the food corporations has been keeping a lot of secrets from us. One of our biggest issues is obesity and not being able to stay away from either fast foods or just food in gene rel. But do we know the process of what's happening to our food? The significance to this movie is how we are noticed to our own world of not knowing what's the truth for so many years. We are us to be lied to and just kept in this bubble. The government knows how ten billion a year of animals are being torched and killed.

Also, the government has not enforced us with the idea the produce which is cloning animals. Animal cloning has been experimented from scientists for many years. Basically, they are torching our animals with drugs to make the produce gain weight so us humans can be happy. I adore food but why hasn’t the government at least tried to do these procedures in a healthier matter or less dangerous. This relates to how we have been adapted to thinking the food we eat is healthy but in reality they are putting many chemicals into the animals that we eat which can cause both the animal and us humans death.

Artifact 1

Teenagers now a days spend more time on the computer interacting with other teenagers, or peers instead of exploring the world with their peers or family. As the technology is increasing more and more there are several things teens can be able to do online which are; social networks, downloading music, and games, Therefore, there's less interactions with the world.
In this imagie towards the left, shows a skeleten smoking a cigarete while on the computer. This is in comparision to how smoking is an addiction and how teenagers, and adults on the internet can become an addiction. There are many social networks there are facebook, myspace, aim, etc. By having so many sources to be entertained by there's no need to be involved with anything else outside the world of "computer" or shall I say technology.

Most people that become addictated to the internet are teenagers. They become lazy, less focused on the important issues in life, and etc. Espically from the real world of homework, playing sports and otherwise. For me the internet is an addiciton, However, I'am able to control my limit from using the computer to walking around and interferring with outside the world of internet.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

bLog 2.2:

What is this new illness called the Truman Syndrome? It is a delusion of patients who believe their life is on a reality show. This can be caused by paranoia, or just something you develop. Even though, many people believe there life is on a TV show. How does this relate to TV shows, can this really be a new illness that makes technology have more power over us humans, or can this be just like Socrates’ and Plato’s Allegory?
According to the author, the “Truman Syndrome, is an interesting example of the connection between culture and mental health.” Why is that? Some scientists believe that patients find themselves living in an actual movie. For example, Vaughan Bell, a psychologist said one of his patients believe he was living the matrix which is a movie that came out in 1999. People find themselves in an illusion; therefore, they cannot separate the idea of what is reality and what is not.
How does this relate to TV shows? Most viewers of any kind of show either romance, mystery, etc, find themselves either able to relate to the series or even being able to relive that moment which aired on TV. Does this make them crazy? Not really, this illness called the Truman syndrome is just another fancy word, and also another project to focus on for scientists. We might think there is something wrong with a person who believes there the karate kid and starts coming out trying to act like a warrior. That may be a little crazy but it’s just using your imagination and I believe they are taking it to extreme by calling it a syndrome, unless someone thinks he/she is Michael Myers and starts killing people then we have a problem.
Does this relate to technology having too much power over us humans? Every day of our lives we use a lot of electricity. By watching too much TV can cause us to be in this illusion of their own reality. If this is a so called syndrome the main conception to that is technology. Humans viewing all these lifestyles even if there shows or movies, makes something tick in our head that this is something we need. By us not having what we see we tend to want to live that so we can imagine we are that person or can do these things.
The Truman Show is a movie about a guy named Truman Burbank, who wakes up every morning on television, but he is not aware of that. He starts to realize that his whole life is a lie even the people he thought was his friends and family are just actors. He cannot figure reality to unreal life. In comparison to the Truman show is the Allegory of Socrates and Plato. In their Allegory, there were prisoners who were kept in a cave and it was pitch black. They only were able to saw projections of shadows against the wall of the cave through fire. As one was let go, he visualized a whole new world. Nobody believed him when he came back to the cave they couldn’t recognize him or believe what he was saying. This relates to the syndrome. They both face this fake life style and see what is outside of their box. As soon as they saw what was outside they didn’t want know what to believe and thought they were crazy.
Overall, The Truman syndrome can be a ill sickness as scientist say. In both the allegory and the Truman show can relate of being faced with not classifying what’s reality and what isn’t.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

bLog Entry:2.1

My Positvie archetype is being a warrior. A strong women who believes in her rights and is very ambisious. A warrior archetype is a part of ourselves that protects emotinal bounderies and asserts our needs in the world. Theres energy to see through and stand against mass illusions of our time. Which we lived out our passion. For an example, I choose this propaganda of a women with mussels and a wrag over here head. Now during this time was when women where defined as house women, they werent allowed to vote,or go particapte in war. As this picture shows we can be house women but also do what men do, and be treated as equal. After a couple of years women achieved their goal was able to vote and do some things in the force field like for example they needed nurses, drive ariplanes but not anything to dangeruous which was fight in wars only assist. Furthermore, this is very symboic to being a warrior. The women had their needs and their emotinal bounderies which stood by them ever momment.

My second positive archetype is Innocent. This means I'am full of trust, faith and optimism. We have high ideals, aspirations. We tend to want to do things right to be a leader and be able to help others by making a contribution to the world. We are kind of like a coach or a guide full of good motives.