Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2

Technology is like an addiction. It can be compared to a man addicted to cigarettes, one you start you cannot stop. This can be a very effective aspect to our society. In some cases technology can be also very helpful in case of emergencies or just the case of looking up something in the internet for a project. I believe technology can be very bad because teenagers are most targeted to electronics, therefore, this is our reality and it separates us from the real world, but also personal electronic devices can have its benefits.
“The Cyborg Advantage” by Clive Thompson is an article that illustrates how technology is taking most humans attention. The author states “Each new technology will extend our reach while threatening to swallow even more of attention”. By opening all these activities: Facebook, MySpace, Aim, online games, etc, has created less time for other activities such as; sports, spending time with your family, maybe even just taking a walk. It’s exactly like what the author says we are depending on the assistance from the computer to think and socialize.
Teenagers are most affected by technology. There mind has been taken over the social networks. Interacting online through these websites is their activity. Instead of playing a sport or going out, they are wasting their at home on the computer. It can also be a very dangerous obsession. For example, one young man thought he was talking to a girl on Facebook. A couple days later he told her to come to his house so they can meet. At the end it was two guys who shot him at his door. From using these websites you don’t know who you are talking too and if they see who they say they are is even true?
We all relay on technology. This is our reality. We cannot see anything past our high tech phones, television and computers. As we depend on these devices we start to become addicted to them. As I said before it’s like a smoker. Once they start and get use to the cigarette they crave it more and more which relates to how we are addicted to technology. There is nothing pass the importance of being able to contact our friends, check our email, watch the new television show that is going to premiere tonight. Technology has taken over humans day by day without us noticing.
Overall, Technology is a major issue. If we were able to stop being so depended on technology I think we should take action and stop now. Even though, it may be hard but just think if we use up to much energy one day we will be without any use of electronics what will happen then?

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