Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 3.4:The Meatrix

In this short clip called “The Meatrix” illustrates how covetous agriculture corporations are using family farms to boost their revenue by hurting animals. Animals become harmed in cramped places causing fights and infections to spread easily. The corporations also overdose the animals with antibiotics. The antibiotics are to keep them alive. Pollution is another major issue because the air and water are filled with the manure which can cause a sickness. Communities of people are highly affected by the air in that area.

In the “The Meatrix: Revolting,” states that people can stop the corporations of harming animals by making healthier choices or even going to a small family farm to get their dairy necessities. For the past two years people have made more improved selections to help close down these fast food Industry. Corporations inject cows with artificial growth hormones. Also, calves that are separated from their mother at birth are fed dead cows blood basically something to replace the milk. This can cause mad cow disease.

In the “Meatrix II ½,” states how speed is the key to the profit the Industries make to the fast food nation. The meat packing Industry is one of the most dangerous jobs. Workers have injured themselves by the speed which increases the profit for the business. The Company can process about 5,000 cows in a day. The manure of the cow’s leaks down to the cut processed meat which causes E-Coli.

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