Thursday, November 4, 2010

bLog Entry:3.5

Food Industries have become very affective in today’s society. Over the past years Fast Food Industries such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco bell, etc, have developed in most areas everyday in the United States. As these Corporations grow our health becomes more in risk as we consume those products. I believe unhealthy foods should increase their price as for healthy foods should decrease their price, as a result, lessening the number of obesity and creating a healthy society.

In the article” Let Them Eat Fat,” Greg Critser states that Fast Food corporations target the poor and young teenagers. The poor has an increasing appeal to cheap meals like the fast food industries than home cooked meals. Those organizations locate more towards a lower income area. Teenagers are consuming more calories than there suppose to in a day. The huge supersize meals are more available creating their physical activity to decrease.

The government should be the one to blame to making America increasing in obesity. They should aware us to what happens to the animals, what goes into the food we consume. By reading Fast Food Nation I found out plenty of things that made me disgusted with Fast Food corporations. For example the use a special chemical for a sent that they put on their food also is put in perfume products. Also most of their food is artificial and processed. I believe on way in solving our economy is by increasing the cost of unhealthy foods and decreasing the cost of healthy foods. Therefore, low income families could be able to buy healthy meals to put on the table. Also, creating more stands of fruits, vegetables, and butcher shops more convenient in poor areas.

In the movie “Supersize Me” is a great example on how these fast food corporations are taking over our bodies and minds. He went from being a healthy person to eating McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few weeks. As he started to eat he became tired, unhealthy, obese, and less intimate with his wife. We can see from this movie that if he didn’t stop he would’ve developed terrible damages towards his health.

Furthermore, the government should take charge and be concerned in America’s health. By putting a tax or a law to fast food we can change this society and make a difference to people’s health. Why wait till it’s too late we should start now.

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