Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog Entry 4.1

Is obesity and technology taking over the new generation? Teenagers are brought into this generation of new technology every day. Therefore, this makes teenagers lazy and can cause obesity by not doing anything but playing with their phones or sitting on the couch on the computer. I believe parents are the ones to blame because they should enforce their children with rules to separate school work from social websites, and putting them in sports and letting them go outdoors to prevent obesity.
In the article “Rewired” the author Larry Rosen states that most teens spend a lot of time on technology than completing their school work which also can lead to health problems and failing grades. From the authors own experience he sees a cycle from working with families of kids starting their work then doing other activities then going back to their work. This generation is brought by technology therefore, this is their social life and how they build up.
Parents and teachers should be the ones to blame. Teachers first of all, should make learning fun by creating blogs, games etc. Parents on the other hand should put limits on how long you can go on Facebook, MySpace, etc. until it’s time to get to work. I agree with the author Larry Rosen because of the point he made about the cycle. When people start doing something important and stop to do some other activity and get back to work. This relates to my own personal experience. I start off doing my essay for class then take a mini break by going on Facebook or to eat something. That little break I took becomes multiple breaks. I either end up falling asleep late from completing it or not even completing it.
Obesity can be caused by too much technology. As this teenage generation becomes more associated with electronic devices the more they become lazy. When you are focused on seeing someone’s page on Facebook or even just sitting down being locked in on the television can cause us to be so lazy that we don’t want to get up to make ourselves something healthy to eat. We either could order in or just grab the quickest snack which would most likely be unhealthy.
Overall, technology and obesity is taking over the new generation. Parents can put a stop to this epidemic especially for their sons/daughters health. It is part of their social life but by setting some ground rules it can help them pass their classes and go to do outdoor activities.


  1. I thought you argued that pretty well! Though the introduction is confusing somewhat--especially that first sentence.

  2. Overall the essay was a bit confusing.
    I also think your introduction is a bit confusing.
    i think you repeat your self alot.
    You can clarify some of your sentences
    -Parents and teachers should be the ones to blame
    (explain why your opinion)
    - From the authors own experience he sees a cycle from working with families of kids starting their work then doing other activities then going back to their work.
    i like the way she argues but the way i interpret the reading was different cause what u understood about the reading was that it talked about the usage of the internet as teaching tool if its used properly.
    so i was kinda confused.maybe cause i agreed with him.
