Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog entry 1.4: Truman Show

What is "The Truman Show" based on? Basically, the main character Jim Carey who plays Truman Burbank, lives his entire life in front of cameras. His everyday life including home, work, and anything in between is caught on camera. He is the star of his own reality show. There are cameras conveniently placed everywhere, following his every move.
Truman is unaware of what is going on in his surroundings, until one day when he is made aware of the fact that he is being filmed and is the star of his own show. He becomes paranoid looking at his surroundings not being able to distinguish reality from movie. He feels he can trust no one so he immediately feels compelled to escape. He runs off to discover an entire world that he was unaware of because he was trapped in his own world. He finds peace in a small town where no one really knows that he is a star of a reality TV show. The people get to know him for himself and he can finally appreciate a true relationship.
In the Allegory of Socrates' and Plato there were several prisoners who believed there was nothing else in the world but their shadows. They visualized this through fire but the prisoners believed that was all that ever existed. As one prisoner escaped, he walked out of the cave he could not open his eyes, it was his first time experiencing this bright light blaming towards his face. This took him time to see that this was a totally different life than what he was use to. He came out to reality but could not believe his eyes.
These two stories are in comparison of one another. Both faced a point in their lives where the realized what they were experiencing each and everyday was a lie. As the found there way out of the box,they realized how they were played and when they came back to their old lifestyles nobody wanted to believe that what one man had seen was the truth or basically a whole new dimension. When they have been lied to their whole life, and realized that nobody wants to help them they continue with what they have had. They do not want that new life, well reality, what life is to them is the same routine their use to even though they were lied to for many years.
Overall, The Truman Show holds a lot of character and forbidden issues. For example of the way his peers kind of had him in a containment where he did not know why. Till this moment we will never know why people do such harsh cruelty on others for no specific reason. At the end it makes us believe they are crazy or in denial.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

blog1.3: My Place in the cave

According to Socrates, “the world of knowledge the ides of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort; and, when seen, is also inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual; and that this is the power upon which he who would act rationally, either in public or private life must have his eye fixed”. In this quotation the world is an illusion and knowledge is what can set you free. In this allegory of the cave, men are imprisoned and are faced to a wall in the cave, all they see are shadows. They do not visualize the real thing they can only hear and see shadows which are reflected from a burning fire from behind them but they do not know of this.
As one man excapes, he see's a whole new world to explore. at first his eyes hurt because it's his first relization to sun when he comes back he wants to tell his friends. the prisoners in the cave cant econinze his shadow because it looks like everything else and therefore, they did not believe him. He was not use to these ways which made him miss his old abondenment and not being able to stay acoustom to the new life. This can intreact with my own individual experince.
As I was younger my parents where very strict on me. This means by staying home, never really having friends over or even going out with friends, take care of myself, cleaning up and basically doing my work for school. This kind of made me feel like a prisoner. I was use to this rountine in my house that all i saw was my family,books, and room. As I began to grow older my freedom was beginning to increase. I was able to go out and be with my friends but I never really was the one to hang out late I was always to myself a very shy person. My last year of high school I became outgoing and friendly. I started to interact and see a whole new world that I was missing out on.
I decided that I had to be social and have fun in my life and make time for my family, cleaning and so on. Therfore, as in Socrates' and Plato's Allegory the prisoner was acoustom to seeing shadows. At first the light hurt him when he escaped but he began to experince new things and enjoyed it but had nobody to enjoy it with. In my situation I was ajusted to being alone at home till this day but if it wasnt for me actually exploring my last year of high school by making new friends( seeing the loght)I would've became a loner.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

blog 1.2 :My Hero's Quest.

Everyone is a Hero in several ways. I believe I ‘am a Hero, I had the calling of attending college. Being able to wake up and stay from eleven till eight at night. Was this my choice? Well yes because I believed I could major in accounting and make lots of money as I grow up. I had my mind focused into saving money or at least making enough money to support and raise my family. As I witness my family struggling from a day to day basis I wanted to achieve more than what they did. So I said I had to overcome this fantasy and make it reality. I had to stay committed to this Journey I was soon going to face. I had the support of my friends and family also, the push to achieve this goal.
My first day as my Hero's Journey started when I opened my eyes and entered my Threshold which was the doors to enter LaGuardia Community College. As I separated from the world of relaxation to working hard every day of my next couple of years, I realized that I had now entered my adult stage in life and there won’t be a lot of time to hang out and have fun all the time. Even though separating from my normal routine can be difficult it’s just something I must accomplish. From being lazy, relaxing to starting a whole new world brought new obstacles I had to face. This fantasy I was in all summer of staying home or just hanging around with friends/family was something I thought I would stay with forever but it wasn’t. I had to wake up and smell the coffee. This was not reality; reality was something I was going to face in the next couple of years as I enter LaGuardia.
There were some temptations of staying home to relax between classes or even before class started. The thought of just laying in bed instead of sitting in a class all day really hit me. But the wakeup call of my mother’s voice just builds me with more power to get up and attend my class is all that is needed to move along. Without this inspiration I think I would’ve still been in bed. Even the pressure of my being seventeen and needing those days to relax and be with my friends that I’m not going to have anymore. Having these long days really made me want to quit and break down inside. As my day goes on I find myself with more confidence in getting closer to either ending the day successfully or getting closer to the prize which is passing my classes.
As I return home I find myself relaxed and happy that I finished my task every day. From waking up to sitting, listening in each class helps me have more knowledge and can help others. Right now I’m pushing my friends to finish high school and even some finish college. It’s difficult for people to succeed in life without a good education and with me believing in myself to finish my hero’s journey in a daily basis I believe and want to push others to do the same.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is Technology Dependent on Us?

Technology has become a big issue in today’s society. Everyone comes across several types of technology from day to day daily life. For example there are subways, cars, for transportation also; television, radios, cell phones and etc. Interaction with technology is a part of human society without we might suffer and not be able to survive. Therefore, as a individual I depend on electronics for contact, emergencies, and because I would not be able to survive.
Using my cell phone is something I depend on the most. First of all, it’s important for me to be able to contact family members or friends. What if one day I’m in a lot of trouble by being lost without any money, alone how would I get home? If money wasn’t made by electronic devices I would not be able to pay a cab or hop in the train to get home safely. Or how about if cars or subways where not made how would I get home probably by animal or walking because without electronic we would be living the old age basically cavemen/women ages.
We become very spoiled of technology us humans. We depend on it on a daily basis. There are other devices besides cell phones that are very important not only to me but i believe others. Computer usage is a huge effect on today's society. For example the social networks, myspace, facebook, etc. These are some major interent networks were people interact with eachother. Which to me is fun to find my friends and keep intouch with them but also makes us lazy. If everything is right there infront of us we become addicted to it and not let us go enjoy the outdoors by playing a sport. Which can also cause obesity.
Overall, Technology is a huge issue to today's society. We depend on all these devices which is very unhealthy for our mind and body. I admit I am very dependent on my electronics but I have to realize that it is not acceptable. We will not be able to survive without our elctronics. Do you believe this is good or bad?