Thursday, September 23, 2010

blog1.3: My Place in the cave

According to Socrates, “the world of knowledge the ides of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort; and, when seen, is also inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual; and that this is the power upon which he who would act rationally, either in public or private life must have his eye fixed”. In this quotation the world is an illusion and knowledge is what can set you free. In this allegory of the cave, men are imprisoned and are faced to a wall in the cave, all they see are shadows. They do not visualize the real thing they can only hear and see shadows which are reflected from a burning fire from behind them but they do not know of this.
As one man excapes, he see's a whole new world to explore. at first his eyes hurt because it's his first relization to sun when he comes back he wants to tell his friends. the prisoners in the cave cant econinze his shadow because it looks like everything else and therefore, they did not believe him. He was not use to these ways which made him miss his old abondenment and not being able to stay acoustom to the new life. This can intreact with my own individual experince.
As I was younger my parents where very strict on me. This means by staying home, never really having friends over or even going out with friends, take care of myself, cleaning up and basically doing my work for school. This kind of made me feel like a prisoner. I was use to this rountine in my house that all i saw was my family,books, and room. As I began to grow older my freedom was beginning to increase. I was able to go out and be with my friends but I never really was the one to hang out late I was always to myself a very shy person. My last year of high school I became outgoing and friendly. I started to interact and see a whole new world that I was missing out on.
I decided that I had to be social and have fun in my life and make time for my family, cleaning and so on. Therfore, as in Socrates' and Plato's Allegory the prisoner was acoustom to seeing shadows. At first the light hurt him when he escaped but he began to experince new things and enjoyed it but had nobody to enjoy it with. In my situation I was ajusted to being alone at home till this day but if it wasnt for me actually exploring my last year of high school by making new friends( seeing the loght)I would've became a loner.

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