Tuesday, December 14, 2010


In the movie Inception is just like the movie the Matrix. They both leave you into this world that is beyond this dimension. As you are put to sleep you are dreaming of things you are not able to do in real life. As you are asleep you can travel to different places, fight guys, have an enormous amount of power and its hard to die from that world.
In Hollywood there are many techniques that make something seem real but has not been identified as something that is real to us. Many people believe that there is another world beyond this world we live in which to me is absolutely insane. There is no factual evidence to support that idea therefore, there can not be any place beyond this real world. This is our reality we can use imagination but not take it far as believing what you see on television and movies.
Technology affects the way we think. As far as these Hollywood movies people have syndromes of believing they are in another world becoming like spider man and want to jump off walls or etc and end up hurting them selves. People try to invent things they've seen on TV and see if it really works for example a time machine to travel has any one accomplished such a thing not really. This relates to the movie if people believe everything they see on television then everyone would become insane and realize that that reality is not what they thought it was.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Today was a long day at school as usually. Started from 11:45 till 7:45 with only one break. It was the day of the Cat Exam. I left early from my accounting class to make sure I get to my exam early to relax and remember everything my professor has taught us through this semester. Luckily before I went to class I grabbed a twix because my stomach was bothering me like always.
As soon as the proctor came in I started become nervous, all these thoughts kept running through my head basically my voice of criticism told me I'm not going to pass I'm going to fail. But as I got the prompt I started to become less nervous because it was on how technology has been a huge impact on society and I'm thinking to myself,why hello we've doing this all semester long why worry. Before a test I'm always worrying when I know I should do fine since all the practice exams I passed them. I start to read the prompt then do my outline so I can have my thoughts organized therefore, my essay can turn out GREAT and finally I start my essay I fly through it. I thought it was a piece of cake.
Right as soon as I finished I rushed out with confidence that I passed. Hopefully I did. Now all I can do is wait for the results which makes me more stressed but I just got to wait.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

bLog Entry 4.3: Cat # 6

Many Devices today can affect our way of thinking. Everything from electronics is made easy for us to use. Texting, browsing the web and television has been very affective kind of like an addiction to us. I believe Google is one website that a lot of us use intensively because we find what we need to find, I use it all the time for research papers and I also believe it’s a type of website or tool that we cannot stop using just like any other website or electronic.
In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?’ the author Nicholas Carr states that by searching in Google doesn’t help our brains we need to think strongly about that specific information. Brain scientists have exposed that when our minds are calm we think deeper. Google is a search engine that gives you about any information you may type in and not only one website many websites you can look at on that topic that you typed in. Since there is less concentration we find out less and retain information less.
I personally use Google everyday from looking up an address to a location, places to shop, or even to get information about a topic. I thought it was a very helpful search engine. Everything you can possibly imagine you can find on Google. I probably use it around 10 times a day just to look something up for me it’s kind of like YouTube. On YouTube you can type in how to do this to that and find a million results. Searching the web is very helpful. Like the author states it doesn’t make us more intelligent it just helps us get information because we are not using our brain to think deeply of information.
We cannot stop using the internet or any type of electronic device it is like our addiction. My I Phone is something I cannot live without. In the I phone there’s we have Facebook, text messaging, apps for games, even internet to search the web for example Google. My battery never lasts long because it’s something I ‘am very addicted to. However this can be a bad thing even though the web can be helpful but using my phone every minute of the day to play games or go on Facebook doesn’t leave me for anytime to do my important things from school work, to cleaning, spending time with friends family, and even doing what I love most is baking.
Therefore, Google is good to keep handy and look to search something up but doesn’t help you learn on your own. Besides only Google there’s other websites or things that take you away from reality which is a flaw for us.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog Entry 4.1

Is obesity and technology taking over the new generation? Teenagers are brought into this generation of new technology every day. Therefore, this makes teenagers lazy and can cause obesity by not doing anything but playing with their phones or sitting on the couch on the computer. I believe parents are the ones to blame because they should enforce their children with rules to separate school work from social websites, and putting them in sports and letting them go outdoors to prevent obesity.
In the article “Rewired” the author Larry Rosen states that most teens spend a lot of time on technology than completing their school work which also can lead to health problems and failing grades. From the authors own experience he sees a cycle from working with families of kids starting their work then doing other activities then going back to their work. This generation is brought by technology therefore, this is their social life and how they build up.
Parents and teachers should be the ones to blame. Teachers first of all, should make learning fun by creating blogs, games etc. Parents on the other hand should put limits on how long you can go on Facebook, MySpace, etc. until it’s time to get to work. I agree with the author Larry Rosen because of the point he made about the cycle. When people start doing something important and stop to do some other activity and get back to work. This relates to my own personal experience. I start off doing my essay for class then take a mini break by going on Facebook or to eat something. That little break I took becomes multiple breaks. I either end up falling asleep late from completing it or not even completing it.
Obesity can be caused by too much technology. As this teenage generation becomes more associated with electronic devices the more they become lazy. When you are focused on seeing someone’s page on Facebook or even just sitting down being locked in on the television can cause us to be so lazy that we don’t want to get up to make ourselves something healthy to eat. We either could order in or just grab the quickest snack which would most likely be unhealthy.
Overall, technology and obesity is taking over the new generation. Parents can put a stop to this epidemic especially for their sons/daughters health. It is part of their social life but by setting some ground rules it can help them pass their classes and go to do outdoor activities.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pandora's: Blog 13: CATW # 5: How to Do One Thing at a Time

Pandora's: Blog 13: CATW # 5: How to Do One Thing at a Time: "The authors most important ideas in 'How to Do One Thing at a Time' by Nancy Jones of the women's health magazine is knowing multi-tasking i..."

The author has great examples in her essay, especially the one with her mom on the phone while driving. Their word choice is very strong except for the word "dumb". But their are some areas that need improvement, her summarizing is almost there but needs more supporting ideas. There should be an introduction stating your claims to be introduced in your body paragraphs. As her claim could be multitasking can be very harmful to people and children because of ..... then you can give your examples and causes of why you believe that.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

bLog Entry:3.5

Food Industries have become very affective in today’s society. Over the past years Fast Food Industries such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco bell, etc, have developed in most areas everyday in the United States. As these Corporations grow our health becomes more in risk as we consume those products. I believe unhealthy foods should increase their price as for healthy foods should decrease their price, as a result, lessening the number of obesity and creating a healthy society.

In the article” Let Them Eat Fat,” Greg Critser states that Fast Food corporations target the poor and young teenagers. The poor has an increasing appeal to cheap meals like the fast food industries than home cooked meals. Those organizations locate more towards a lower income area. Teenagers are consuming more calories than there suppose to in a day. The huge supersize meals are more available creating their physical activity to decrease.

The government should be the one to blame to making America increasing in obesity. They should aware us to what happens to the animals, what goes into the food we consume. By reading Fast Food Nation I found out plenty of things that made me disgusted with Fast Food corporations. For example the use a special chemical for a sent that they put on their food also is put in perfume products. Also most of their food is artificial and processed. I believe on way in solving our economy is by increasing the cost of unhealthy foods and decreasing the cost of healthy foods. Therefore, low income families could be able to buy healthy meals to put on the table. Also, creating more stands of fruits, vegetables, and butcher shops more convenient in poor areas.

In the movie “Supersize Me” is a great example on how these fast food corporations are taking over our bodies and minds. He went from being a healthy person to eating McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few weeks. As he started to eat he became tired, unhealthy, obese, and less intimate with his wife. We can see from this movie that if he didn’t stop he would’ve developed terrible damages towards his health.

Furthermore, the government should take charge and be concerned in America’s health. By putting a tax or a law to fast food we can change this society and make a difference to people’s health. Why wait till it’s too late we should start now.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 3.4:The Meatrix

In this short clip called “The Meatrix” illustrates how covetous agriculture corporations are using family farms to boost their revenue by hurting animals. Animals become harmed in cramped places causing fights and infections to spread easily. The corporations also overdose the animals with antibiotics. The antibiotics are to keep them alive. Pollution is another major issue because the air and water are filled with the manure which can cause a sickness. Communities of people are highly affected by the air in that area.

In the “The Meatrix: Revolting,” states that people can stop the corporations of harming animals by making healthier choices or even going to a small family farm to get their dairy necessities. For the past two years people have made more improved selections to help close down these fast food Industry. Corporations inject cows with artificial growth hormones. Also, calves that are separated from their mother at birth are fed dead cows blood basically something to replace the milk. This can cause mad cow disease.

In the “Meatrix II ½,” states how speed is the key to the profit the Industries make to the fast food nation. The meat packing Industry is one of the most dangerous jobs. Workers have injured themselves by the speed which increases the profit for the business. The Company can process about 5,000 cows in a day. The manure of the cow’s leaks down to the cut processed meat which causes E-Coli.